BMI Calculator
BMI Calculator Overview
The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is a tool used to calculate your BMI value and determine your corresponding weight status, taking age into account. You can use the Metric Units tab for measurements in the International System of Units (centimeters and kilograms) or the Other Units tab to convert measurements into US units (feet/inches and pounds). Additionally, the calculator computes the Ponderal Index, which is another measure of body leanness or corpulence.
Table of Contents
What is BMI?
BMI is a measurement that evaluates a person’s body weight relative to their height. It is widely used as a general indicator of whether someone has a healthy body weight. By calculating BMI, individuals can determine if they are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. These categories are based on specific BMI ranges, which may vary depending on factors like age and region. While BMI is not a perfect measure of body fat, it is a useful tool for identifying potential health risks and determining if further medical evaluation is needed.
BMI Categories for Adults
BMI Chart for Adults
The BMI chart visually represents these categories, with dashed lines indicating subdivisions within each major classification.
BMI Categories for Children and Teens (Ages 2-20)
For children and teens, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses BMI percentiles to account for growth and development. The categories are as follows:
Category | Percentile Range |
Underweight | < 5% |
Healthy Weight | 5% – 85% |
At Risk of Overweight | 85% – 95% |
Overweight | > 95% |
Why BMI Matters
BMI is a valuable tool for assessing potential health risks associated with being underweight or overweight. While it does not directly measure body fat, it provides a quick and easy way to identify whether further testing or lifestyle changes may be necessary.
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